Article 1. Object

The general sales conditions described below detail the rights and obligations of the company Céline Raimbault “PLAISIR DU FRANÇAIS” and of its customers in the context of the sale of its services:

Any service provided by PLAISIR DU FRANÇAIS and any purchase of services implies the unconditional acceptance by the Client of these general conditions of sale.

Article 2. Presentation of the services  

The services offered for sale are presented on the “home” page of the site.

The characteristics of the services offered for sale are presented at the “Learn more” link on the main page of the site.

The characteristics of the products to download are presented in the “To download” section of the site.

The photographs are not included in the contract.

PLAISIR DU FRANÇAIS cannot be held responsible for any errors contained therein. 

All the texts and images presented on the PLAISIR DU FRANÇAIS website are reserved, for the whole world, under copyright and intellectual property rights; their reproduction, even partial, is strictly forbidden.

Article 3. Period of validity for the offer

The courses are offered for sale in accordance with the available slots.

The services remain available for sale as long as they appear on the site and unless otherwise stated.

Customers can register for the challenge until the day before the start date (refer to the date of the beginning of the challenge).

Article 4. Price of the products

The prices are indicated in euros including all taxes.

Under micro-enterprise regulations, no VAT is applicable (art. 293 B of the CGI).

Moreover, the courses are exempt from VAT (art.261 of the CGI).   

PLAISIR DU FRANÇAIS reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, but the products ordered are invoiced at the price in effect at the time the order is registered.

Discounts may be granted on certain courses or products by entering a valid “promotional code” on the order form.

No discount will be granted for early payment.

As far as individual courses are concerned, no refund is possible. However, courses can be postponed in case of conflict. Please check the validity of these packages.

For the 30-day French Challenge, a refund can be given if the product does not satisfy the customer up to 2 days before the start of the challenge.

Article 5.Order

The Customer validates his order when he activates the link “Order” (or “pay” or “I register”) after having accepted the present conditions of sale.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, the Customer must check the box to authorize the collection of his data and allow the delivery of the ordered service or product.

Before this validation, it is proposed to the Customer to systematically check each element of his order. He can thus correct any errors.

PLAISIR DU FRANÇAIS confirms the order by e-mail. This information includes all the elements of the order. The data recorded by Plaisir du Français constitutes proof of the nature, content, and date of the order and is archived by Plaisir du Français under applicable conditions and legal deadlines. The customer can access this archive by emailing customer service at contact@plaisirdufranç

Article 6.Terms of payment

The payment is accepted via credit card or Paypal.

Payment by credit card and Paypal is made through the world leaders in online payment: Stripe and Paypal.

The security of the transactions is confirmed by an icon symbolizing a padlock in the address bar.

Article 7. Invoicing

PLAISIR DU FRANÇAIS will issue an invoice to the Client after the purchase of a service.

The price of the service (not subject to VAT) is expressed in euros.

Article 8. Refund Policy

If you participate in a subscription program paid by Paypal, you can cancel it at any time via your Paypal account in your payment preferences.

Some services are offered with a “money-back guarantee.” Regarding the “30-Day French Challenge,” you can ask for a refund if you are not satisfied with the product up to 2 days after the beginning of the challenge. Send an email to entitled “Refund request” and specify the name or reference of the product concerned, your full name, email address, and country. An explanation is not obligatory to obtain the refund, but it is desired insofar as it will enable Plaisir du Français to improve the quality of their services. Refunds will be issued within two weeks.

No lesson by Skype, once booked, can be cancelled but it can be postponed according to the availability of the student and the teacher. If the postponement of the lesson is requested by the Customer, the request must be made at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the scheduled lesson.

In the absence of cancellation or a request for postponement within the aforementioned 48-hour notice period, the lesson will be considered completed without the possibility of postponement or refund.

In the event that a session is delayed by less than fifteen (15) minutes on the day of the session and the delay is attributable to the Client, the session will be shortened accordingly and will be due in its entirety, without the possibility of partial or total reimbursement in proportion to the actual duration of the session.

In the event that a session is delayed by more than fifteen (15) minutes on the day of the session and the delay is attributable to the Client, the session will be cancelled without the possibility of postponement and will be considered as completed without the possibility of postponement or refund.

In the event of a delay attributable exclusively to the teacher, the teacher must reschedule the course. In the event of an unforeseen absence of the teacher, the course will be postponed at no additional cost to the Client.

Any session started is due in its entirety.

Article 9. Provision of products

When the customer buys a lesson or a package of lessons, these are conducted on Skype or ZOOM corresponding to the schedule and the day reserved by the customer. However, the customer can change the date up to 48 hours before the initial course.

For the French Challenge, the delivery is via The customer will be able to complete the daily challenges on this platform after registering for free once Plaisir du Français has added the customer’s email address to 

You are informed that access to sites or platforms (partners or others), designed and managed under the responsibility of third parties, may be necessary to enjoy the Products and Services. Plaisir du Français has no control over the content of these third-party sites or platforms and declines all responsibility for their content and the use made by any third party of the information contained therein. In case of a problem, contact Plaisir du Français who will try to find a solution.

The services are offered and delivered within the limits of available quantities, it being understood that Plaisir du Français may voluntarily limit the number of beneficiaries of the services.

In case of unavailability of the ordered service, Plaisir du Français will immediately inform the Customer and may propose an equivalent service of equivalent quality and price or, failing that, will reimburse of the sums paid within 7 days. Apart from the reimbursement of the price of the service, the Vendor is not liable for any cancellation indemnity.

The services are accessible only to the physical persons authorized by Plaisir du Français having bought these services, being specified that the Customer cannot authorize their access to third persons. Any use of the Client’s access to the services by an unauthorized person is the Client’s responsibility.

The access rights to the French Challenge are granted to the Customer for a period of 40 days. Access will then be closed.

The Customer’s access to the platform is effectuated, for any user, according to the technical modalities and the schedule provided by Plaisir du Français. The identification code(s) is/are attributed by Plaisir du Français at the time of subscription to the challenge, it being understood that each identification code is strictly personal, individual, confidential, and non-transferable.

The Customer will be responsible for any fraudulent or abusive use of his identification codes. The Customer will inform Plaisir du Français without delay of the loss or theft of the identification keys. In case of violation of the identification keys, Plaisir du Français reserves the right to suspend the service without compensation, notice, or prior information.

Article 10.Customer relations – After-sales service

For any information, question or complaint, the Customer can contact the PLAISIR DU FRANÇAUS customer-service department 7 days a week and 24 hours a day by sending an email to the following address:

An answer will generally be sent to the Customer within 24 hours (on working days).

Article 11. Intellectual property – Copyright

All the documents given during a service, or downloaded as part of an online service, constitute original works and as such are protected by the legislation on intellectual property and copyright.Consequently, the Client is prohibited from using, copying, transmitting, and generally exploiting all or part of these documents without the prior written consent of PLAISIR DU FRANÇAIS.The Client is forbidden to make any copy of the software used in the services, with the exception of the exercises carried out, provided that the files do not include in any way parts of the program protected by any right whatsoever.






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